Brought up in the heart of French aristocracy, Stephanie Staub spent her entire childhood surrounded by elegance and good taste. Since she was very young, she has been devoting her time to scouring exhibitions and studying paintings, because she was so inspired and impassioned by art.
At a tender age she used to watch her mother, with fascination, as she designed and created her own clothes, and then, on her tenth birthday, Stephanie made her own first steps in sewing, which culminated in her making her own party dresses as an adult, as well as all of the flower girls' dresses and page boys' outfits for her wedding...
After she had then taken some time out to complete her business studies diploma, she naturally came back once again, to her first love of sewing, but this time as a business venture!
And so, Little Eglantine was born, focusing exclusively on dresses and outfits for children, for all special occasions, with particular a focus on wedding designs!